Jeannine Cook

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The Elegance of an End-of-Year Gift

As my solo show, “Reflejos” or “Reflections” comes to an end today, I was so touched to read what gallery owner, Marisa Aldeguer, had written on her Instagram/Facebook pages for MA Arte Contemporaneo.

“Reflejos” de Jeannine Cook nos dice adiós!

Gracias a artistas como ella, que trabajan con verdadera pasión y transmiten conocimiento defendiendo una técnica que trabajan muy pocos artistas en el mundo, conservamos una técnica que lleva siglos de historia a sus espaldas; “la punta de plata” nos regala sutilezas sobre el inmaculado papel que sólo los “grandes” osan abordar, aquí no hay arrepentimiento que valga, una vez trazada la línea, ahí se queda.

Así que podemos decir, “Punta de plata” per secula seculorum.

Image of two of my drawings on the gallery wall (image courtesy of M. Aldeguer)

To translate what is written into English:

Jeannine Cook’s “Reflejos” bids us farewell.

Thanks to artists like her, who work with true passion and transmit their knowledge to promote a medium used by very few artists in the world, we are able to keep alive a drawing technique dating from long centuries ago. ‘Silverpoint drawing’ rewards us with subtleties of mark made on pristine paper, marks that only the “greats” dare make,  for with this technique, no regrets are possible.  Once the line is drawn, there it stays, unchangeable.

Thus we can say, “Silverpoint” per secula seculorum. (forever and ever)

Another drawing on display (image courtesy of M. Aldeguer)

Another drawing on display (image courtesy of M. Aldeguer)

Another drawing on display (image courtesy of M. Aldeguer)

Marisa’s generosity touched me - a lovely end-of-the-year and end-of-exhibition gift. Muchas gracias.

Another drawing on display (image courtesy of M. Aldeguer)